Basque Phrases

Trying to find some Basque phrases? Below we have listed many useful expressions including: Greeting Phrases | Farewell Expressions | Holidays and Wishes | How to Introduce Yourself | Romance and Love Phrases | Solving a Misunderstanding | Asking for Directions | Emergency Survival Phrases | Hotel Restaurant Travel Phrases | Daily Expressions | Cuss Words (Polite) | Writing a Letter | Short Expressions and words

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Basque Phrases

Enjoy these Basque expressions, but don't forget to bookmark this page for future reference.

English Basque Phrases
Good morning!Egun on! [UJ: literally, “good day!”; you don't usually say “good morning” in Basque.]
Good afternoon!Arratsalde on!
Good evening!Gabon!
Welcome! (to greet someone)Ongi etorri! [UJ: singular] / ongi etorriak! [UJ: plural]
Hello my friend!Kaixo, lagun!
How are you? (friendly)Zer moduz?
How are you? (polite)Zer moduz zaude?
I'm fine, thank you!Ondo, eskerrik asko
And you? (friendly)Eta zu?
And you? (polite)Eta zu?
Not so goodEz oso ondo [UJ: Literally, “not very good”]
Long time no seeAspaldiko!
I missed youZure falta nabaritu dut
What's new?Zer berri?
Nothing newBerririk ez
Thank you (very much)!Eskerrik asko (benetan)! [UJ: the (very much) part is not standard; I used a suitable expression, which means “really”.]
You're welcome! (for "thank you")Ez horregatik
My pleasurePozez [UJL: Not standard. My prevod means “gladly”.]
Come in! (or: enter!)Aurrera!
Make yourself at home!Etxean bezala!
Farewell Expressions
Have a nice day!Egun ona izan!
Good night!Gabon!
Good night and sweet dreams!Gabon eta ondo lo egin! [UJ: “good night and sleep well.”]
See you later!Gero arte!
See you soon!Laister arte!
See you tomorrow!Bihar arte!
Good bye!Agur!
Have a good trip!Bidai ona izan!
I have to goJoan behar dut.
I will be right back!Oraintxe itzuliko naiz!
Holidays and Wishes
Good luck!Zorte ona izan.
Happy birthday!Zorionak! [UJ: Literally, this means “congratulations”, which is much more frequently used for birthdays than “happy birthday”.]
Happy new year!Urte berri on!
Merry Christmas!Gabon zoriontsua!
Happy holidaysYou usually say “Zorionak” for everything except Christmas and Ney Year
Enjoy! (or: bon appetit)On egin!
Bless you (when sneezing)Osasuna!
Best wishes!Zorte ona! [UJ: Literally, “good luck!”]
Cheers! (or: to your health)Osasuna!
Accept my best wishesZorterik onena opa dizut [UJ: literally, “I wish you the best luck”]
How to Introduce Yourself
What's your name?Zein da zure izena?
My name is (John Doe)Nire izena (John Doe) da
Nice to meet you![UJ: Not used]
Where are you from?Nondik zatoz?
I'm from (the U.S/ Basque Country)Estatu Batuetakoa / Euskal Herrikoa da
I'm (American/ Basque)Estatu Batuetakoa / Euskalduna naiz
Where do you live?Non bizi zara?
I live in (the U.S/ Basque Country)Estatu Batuetan / Euskal Herrian bizi naiz
Do you like it here?Gustora zaude hemen?
Basque Country is a beautiful countryEuskal Herria oso polita da
What do you do for a living?Zertan egiten duzu lan?
I'm a (teacher/ student/ engineer)(Ikaslea / irakaslea / ingeniaria) naiz
Do you speak (English/ Basque)?(Ingelesez / Euskaraz) hitzegiten al duzu?
Just a littlePiska bat
I like BasqueEuskara atsegin dut
I'm trying to learn BasqueEuskara ikasten saiatzen ari naiz
It's a hard languageHizkuntza zaila da
It's an easy languageHizkuntza erraza da
Oh! That's good!O! Ederto!
Can I practice with you?Zurekin praktikatu al dezaket?
I will try my best to learnAhal bezain beste ikasten saiatzen ari naiz
How old are you?Zenbat urte dauzkazu?
I'm (twenty one, thirty two) years old(hogeita bat, hogeita hamabi) urte ditut
It was nice talking to you![UJ: not used]
It was nice meeting you!Pozten nau zu ezagutu izanak!
Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss...Jauna (Mr.) / Anderea (Mrs. / Miss)
This is my wifeHau nire emaztea da
This is my husbandHau nire senarra da
Say hi to Thomas for meAgurtu Thomas nire izenean
Romance and Love Phrases
Are you free tomorrow evening?Libre al zaude bihar gauean?
I would like to invite you to dinnerAfaltzera gonbidatu nahi zaitut
You look beautiful! (to a woman)Oso ederra zaude!
You have a beautiful nameOso izen polita daukazu
Can you tell me more about you?Gehiago esan al diezadakezu zuri buruz?
Are you married?Ezkonduta al zaude?
I'm singleEzkongabea naiz.
I'm marriedEzkonduta nago
Can I have your phone number?Zure telefono zenbakia eman al diezadakezu?
Can I have your email?Zure e-maila eman al diezadakezu?
Do you have any pictures of you?Ba al daukazu zure argazkirik?
Do you have children?Seme-alabarik al daukazu?
Would you like to go for a walk?Buelta bat ematera joan nahi duzu? [UJ: Incorrect, but better understood that the proper form]
I like youGustokoa zaitut
I love youMaite zaitut
You're very special!Oso berezia zara!
You're very kind!Maitagarria zara!
I'm very happyOso pozik nago
Would you marry me?Nirekin ezkondu nahi duzu?
I'm just kiddingTxantxetan ari naiz
I'm seriousSeriotan ari naiz
My heart speaks the language of loveNire bihotzak maitasunaren hizkuntza hitzegiten ari da [UJ: This sounds laughably ridiculous, except as a deliberate joke]
Solving a Misunderstanding
Sorry! (or: I beg your pardon!)Barkatu!
Sorry (for a mistake)Barkatu!
No problem!Lasai!
Can you repeat please?Errepikatu al dezakezu, mesedez?
Can you speak slowly?Astiro hitz egin al dezakezu?
Can you write it down?Idatzi al dezakezu?
Did you understand what I said?Ulertu al duzu esan dudana?
I don't understand!Ez dut ulertzen!
I don't know!Ez dakit!
What's that called in Basque?Noladeitzen da hori euskaraz?
What does that word mean in English?Zer esan nahi du hitz horrek ingelesez?
How do you say "thanks" in Basque?Nola esaten da “thank you” euskaraz?
What is this?Zer da hau?
My Basque is badNire euskara txarra da
Don't worry!Lasai!
I agree with youAdos nago zurekin
Is that right?Ondo al dago?
Is that wrong?Txarto al dago?
What should I say?Zer esan beharko nuke?
I just need to practicePraktika besterik ez dut behar
Your Basque is goodZure euskara ona da
I have an accentAzentua daukat
You don't have an accentEz daukazu azenturik
Asking for Directions
Excuse me! (before asking someone)Barkatu!
I'm lostGalduta nago
Can you help me?Lagundu al nazakezu?
Can I help you?Lagundu al zaitzaket?
I'm not from hereEz naiz hemengoa
How can I get to (this place, this city)? Nola iritsi naiteke (leku honetara, hiri honetara)?
Go straightJoan zaitez zuzenean
Turn leftEzkerrera biratu
Turn rightEkuinera biratu
Can you show me?Erakutsi al diezadakezu?
I can show you!Erakutsi diezazuket!
Come with me!Etorri nirekin!
How long does it take to get there?Zenbat denbora behar dut hara heltzeko? [UJ: Literally: “how long do I need to get there?”]
Downtown (city center)Hiri erdialdea
Historic center (old city)Alde zaharra
It's near hereHemendik hurbil dago
It's far from hereHemendik urrun dago
Is it within walking distance?Oinez joateko beste hurbil al dago?
I'm looking for Mr. SmithSmith jaunaren bila nabil
One moment please!Momentu bat, mesedez!
Hold on please! (when on the phone)Itxaron momentu bat, mesedez!
He is not hereEz dago hemen
Bus stationAutobus geltokia
Train stationTren geltokia
Emergency Survival Phrases
Run!Alde egin! [UJ: Literally, “go away”]
Watch out! (or: be alert!)Kontuz!
Call the police!Deitu Ertzaintzari!
Call a doctor!Deitu medikuari!
Call the ambulance!Deitu anbulantziari!
Are you okay?Ondo al zaude?
I feel sickTxarto sentitzen naiz
I need a doctorMedikua behar dut
Food poisoningJanari intoxikazioa
Where is the closest pharmacy?Non dago farmaziarik hurbilena?
It hurts hereHemen egiten dit min
It's urgent!Larrialdia da! [UJ: Literally, “it's an emergency!”]
Calm down!Lasaitu!
You will be okay!Ez zaizu ezer gertatuko!
Can you help me?Lagundu al nazakezu?
Can I help you?Ladundu al zaitzaket?
Hotel Restaurant Travel Phrases
I have a reservation (for a room)Erreserba daukat
Do you have rooms available?Gela librerik al daukazu?
With shower / With bathroomDutxarekin / komunarekin
I would like a non-smoking roomEz erretzaileentzako gela nahi nuke
What is the charge per night?Zein da prezioa gaueko?
I'm here on business /on vacationLanagatik / oporretan nago hemen.
Do you accept credit cards?Kreditu txartelik onartzen al duzue?
I'd like to rent a carAuto bat alokatu nahi nuke
How much will it cost?Zein da prezioa?
A table for (one / two) please!(Batentzako/birentzako) mahai bat, mesedez!
Is this seat taken?Hartuta al dago eserleku hau?
I'm vegetarianBegetarianoa naiz
I don't eat porkEz dut txerririk jaten
I don't drink alcoholEz dut alkoholik edaten
What's the name of this dish?Nola deitzen da janari hau?
Waiter / waitress!Barkatu! [UJ: literally, “excuse me”; the word for “waiter” is “servant”, and if you call a waiter that it will sound offensive]
Can we have the check please?Kontua, mesedez
It is very delicious!Oso ona dago!
I don't like itEz zait gustatzen
Shopping Expressions
How much is this?Zenbat balio du?
I'm just lookingBegiratzen ari naiz bakarrik
I don't have changeEz daukat trukerik
This is too expensiveHau garestiegia da
Daily Expressions
What time is it?Ze ordu da?
It's 3 o'clockHirurak
Give me this!Emaidazu hau!
Are you sure?Ziur zaude?
Take this! (when giving something)Hartu hau!
It's freezing (weather)Hotz handia dago
It's cold (weather)Hotza dago
It's hot (weather)Beroa dago
Do you like it?Gustatzen zaizu?
I really like it!Benetan gustatzen zait!
I'm hungryGose naiz
I'm thirstyEgarri naiz
He is funnyBarregarria da
In The MorningGoizean
In the eveningGaualdean
At NightGauean
Hurry up!Abiatu!
Cuss Words (polite)
This is nonsense! (or: this is craziness)Hori tontakeria da!
My God! (to show amazement)Ai ene!
Oh gosh! (when making a mistake)Ai ene!
It sucks! (or: this is not good)Oso txarra da!
What's wrong with you?Zein da zure arazoa?
Are you crazy?Zoratu al zara?
Get lost! (or: go away!)Alde egin!
Leave me alone!Utzi nazazu pakean!
I'm not interested!Ez daukat interesik!
Writing a Letter
Dear JohnJohn maitea
My trip was very niceNire bidaia oso atsegina izan da
The culture and people were very interestingBai kultura bai jendea oso interesgarriak dira
I had a good time with youOso ondo ibili naiz zurekin
I would love to visit your country againPoz handiz bueltatuko ninteke berriz zure herrira
Don't forget to write me back from time to timeEz ahaztu noiz edonoiz idazteaz
Short Expressions and words
So-so (or: not bad not good)Kili-kolo
Me (ie. Who did this? - Me)Nik [UJ: In Basque, there are several possible “me”s. This example (“who did this?”) requires using the ergative case. In the following I am assuming the exact same example]
Where?Non (location) / nora (direction)?

Phrases and daily expressions have a very important role in Basque. Once you're done with the Euskara Phrases, you might want to check the rest of our Basque lessons here: Learn Basque. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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