Indonesian Phrases

Trying to find some Indonesian phrases? Below we have listed many useful expressions including: Greeting Phrases | Farewell Expressions | Holidays and Wishes | How to Introduce Yourself | Romance and Love Phrases | Solving a Misunderstanding | Asking for Directions | Emergency Survival Phrases | Hotel Restaurant Travel Phrases | Daily Expressions | Cuss Words (Polite) | Writing a Letter | Short Expressions and words

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Indonesian Phrases

Enjoy these Indonesian expressions, but don't forget to bookmark this page for future reference.

English Indonesian Phrases
Good morning!Selamat Pagi!
Good afternoon!Selamat Siang!
Good evening!Selamat Sore!
Welcome! (to greet someone)Selamat Datang!
Hello my friend!Halo temanku!
How are you? (friendly)Apa kabar?
How are you? (polite)Apa kabar?
I'm fine, thank you!Baik-baik saja, terima kasih!
And you? (friendly)Bagaimana dengan Anda?
And you? (polite)Bagaimana dengan Anda?
Not so goodTidak begitu baik
Long time no seeLama tidak berjumpa
I missed youKangen
What's new?Ada kabar baru?
Nothing newTidak ada yang baru
Thank you (very much)!Terima kasih (banyak)!
You're welcome! (for "thank you")Kembali!
My pleasureDengan senang hati
Come in! (or: enter!)Mari!
Make yourself at home!Santailah serasa di rumah Anda!
Farewell Expressions
Have a nice day!Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan!
Good night!Selamat malam!
Good night and sweet dreams!Mimpi yang indah!
See you later!Sampai nanti!
See you soon!Sampai nanti!
See you tomorrow!Sampai besok!
Good bye!Sampai jumpa!
Have a good trip!Semoga perjalanan Anda menyenangkan!
I have to goSaya harus pergi
I will be right back!Saya segera kembali
Holidays and Wishes
Good luck!Semoga beruntung!
Happy birthday!Selamat ulang tahun!
Happy new year!Selamat tahun baru!
Merry Christmas!Selamat Natal!
Happy Idul Fitr!Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri!
Happy Easter!Selamat Hari Paskah!
Enjoy! (or: bon appetit)Selamat menikmati!
Bless you (when sneezing)(no such phrase in Indonesian)
Best wishes!(no such phrase in Indonesian)
Cheers! (or: to your health)(no such phrase in Indonesian)
Accept my best wishesTerimalah ucapan saya!
How to Introduce Yourself
What's your name?Siapa nama Anda?
My name is (John Doe)Nama saya adalah (John Doe)
Nice to meet you!Senang bertemu dengan Anda!
Where are you from?Dari mana asal Anda?
I'm from (the U.S/ Indonesia)Saya dari (Amerika/Indonesia)
I'm (American/ Indonesian)Saya orang (Amerika/Indonesia)
Where do you live?Anda tinggal di mana?
I live in (the U.S/ Indonesia)Saya tinggal di (Amerika/Indonesia)
Do you like it here?Apakah Anda suka di sini?
Indonesia is a beautiful countryIndonesia adalah negara yang indah
What do you do for a living?Apakah pekerjaan Anda?
I'm a (teacher/ student/ engineer)Saya (guru/pelajar/insinyur)
Do you speak (English/ Indonesian)?Apakah anda bisa berbahasa (Inggris/Indonesia)?
Just a littleSedikit saja
I like IndonesianSaya suka Bahasa Indonesia
I'm trying to learn IndonesianSaya sedang berusaha belajar Bahasa Indonesia
It's a hard languageSebuah bahasa yang sulit
It's an easy languageSebuah bahasa yang mudah
Oh! That's good!Oh! Itu bagus!
Can I practice with you?Bolehkah saya berlatih dengan Anda?
I will try my best to learnSaya akan berusaha belajar sebisa saya
How old are you?Umur berapakah Anda?
I'm (twenty one, thirty two) years oldSaya (dua puluh satu, tiga puluh dua) tahun
It was nice talking to you!Senang berbicara dengan Anda!
It was nice meeting you!Senang bertemu dengan Anda!
Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss...Bapak…/Ibu…/Nona…
This is my wifeIni istri saya
This is my husbandIni suami saya
Say hi to Thomas for meSampaikan salam saya untuk Thomas
Romance and Love Phrases
Are you free tomorrow evening?Apakah Anda ada waktu kosong besok sore?
I would like to invite you to dinnerSaya ingin mengundang anda makan malam
You look beautiful! (to a woman)Anda terlihat cantik!
You have a beautiful nameAnda mempunyai nama yang indah
Can you tell me more about you?Bisakah Anda bercerita lebih banyak tentang Anda?
Are you married?Anda sudah menikah?
I'm singleSaya singel
I'm marriedSaya sudah menikah
Can I have your phone number?Bolehkah saya minta nomor telepon Anda?
Can I have your email?Bolehkah saya minta alamat email Anda?
Do you have any pictures of you?Apakah Anda mempunyai foto?
Do you have children?Apakah Anda mempunyai anak?
Would you like to go for a walk?Apakah Anda mau jalan-jalan?
I like youAku suka kamu
I love youAku cinta kamu
You're very special!Anda sungguh spesial!
You're very kind!Anda sangat baik!
I'm very happySaya sangat bahagia
Would you marry me?Maukah kamu menikah denganku?
I'm just kiddingSaya hanya bercanda
I'm seriousSaya serius
My heart speaks the language of loveHatiku berbicara bahasa cinta
Solving a Misunderstanding
Sorry! (or: I beg your pardon!)Permisi!
Sorry (for a mistake)Maaf
No problem!Tidak masalah!
Can you repeat please?Bisa tolong ulangi?
Can you speak slowly?Bisakah Anda bicara lebih pelan?
Can you write it down?Bisakah Anda tulis?
Did you understand what I said?Apakah Anda mengerti apa yang saya ucapkan?
I don't understand!Saya tidak mengerti!
I don't know!Saya tidak tahu!
What's that called in Indonesian?Apakah itu dalam Bahasa Indonesia?
What does that word mean in English?Apakah arti kata itu dalam bahasa Inggris?
How do you say "thanks" in Indonesian?Bahasa Indonesianya "thank you" itu apa?
What is this?Apa ini?
My Indonesian is badBahasa Indonesia saya jelek
Don't worry!Jangan kuatir!
I agree with youSaya setuju dengan Anda
Is that right?Apa itu benar?
Is that wrong?Apa it salah?
What should I say?Apa yang harus saya katakan?
I just need to practiceSaya hanya perlu berlatih
Your Indonesian is goodBahasa Indonesia Anda bagus
I have an accentSaya punya logat/aksen
You don't have an accentAnda tidak punya logat/aksen
Asking for Directions
Excuse me! (before asking someone)Permisi!
I'm lostSaya tersesat
Can you help me?Bisa tolong saya?
Can I help you?Bisa saya bantu?
I'm not from hereSaya bukan dari daerah sini
How can I get to (this place, this city)? Bagaimana caranya ke (tempat ini, kota ini)?
Go straightLurus
Turn leftBelok kiri
Turn rightBelok kanan
Can you show me?Bisakah Anda kasih tunjuk?
I can show you!Saya bisa kasih tunjuk
Come with me!Ikutlah dengan saya!
How long does it take to get there?Berapa lama dari sini ke sana?
Downtown (city center)Pusat kota
Historic center (old city)Kota bersejarah
It's near hereDekat dari sini
It's far from hereJauh dari sini
Is it within walking distance?Apakah bisa jalan kaki dari sini ke sana?
I'm looking for Mr. SmithSaya mencari Bapak Smith
One moment please!Tunggu sebentar!
Hold on please! (when on the phone)Tunggu sebentar!
He is not hereDia tidak ada di sini
Bus stationTerminal bis
Train stationStasiun kereta
Emergency Survival Phrases
Watch out! (or: be alert!)Awas!
Call the police!Panggil polisi!
Call a doctor!Panggil dokter!
Call the ambulance!Panggil ambulans!
Are you okay?Anda tidak apa-apa?
I feel sickSaya merasa tidak enak
I need a doctorSaya perlu dokter
Food poisoningKeracunan makanan
Where is the closest pharmacy?Di manakah apotek terdekat?
It hurts hereSakit di sini
It's urgent!Ini penting!
Calm down!Tenang!
You will be okay!Anda tidak apa-apa!
Can you help me?Bisakah Anda tolong saya?
Can I help you?Bisa saya bantu?
Hotel Restaurant Travel Phrases
I have a reservation (for a room)Saya punya reservasi
Do you have rooms available?Apakah ada kamar kosong?
With shower / With bathroomDengan shower / Dengan kamar mandi
I would like a non-smoking roomSaya ingin kamar bebas merokok
What is the charge per night?Berapakah harga per malamnya?
I'm here on business /on vacationSaya di sini untuk urusan bisnis / liburan
Do you accept credit cards?Anda terima kartu kredit?
I'd like to rent a carSaya ingin menyewa mobil
How much will it cost?Berapa harganya?
A table for (one / two) please!Minta satu meja untuk (satu / dua) orang!
Is this seat taken?Apakah kursi ini ada orangnya?
I'm vegetarianSaya vegetarian
I don't eat porkSaya tidak makan babi
I don't drink alcoholSaya tidak minum alkohol
What's the name of this dish?Apa nama masakan ini?
Waiter / waitress!Pelayan!
Can we have the check please?Bisa minta bonnya?
It is very delicious!Sangat enak!
I don't like itSaya tidak suka itu
Shopping Expressions
How much is this?Berapa ini harganya?
I'm just lookingCuma lihat-lihat
I don't have changeSaya tidak punya kembalian
This is too expensiveIni terlalu mahal
Daily Expressions
What time is it?Jam berapa sekarang?
It's 3 o'clockJam 3
Give me this!Berikan aku ini!
Are you sure?Anda yakin?
Take this! (when giving something)Ambil ini!
It's freezing (weather)Dingin sekali
It's cold (weather)Udaranya dingin
It's hot (weather)Udaranya panas
Do you like it?Apakah Anda suka?
I really like it!Saya suka sekali!
I'm hungrySaya lapar
I'm thirstySaya haus
He is funnyDia lucu
In The MorningDi pagi hari
In the eveningDi sore hari
At NightDi malam hari
Hurry up!Cepat!
Cuss Words (polite)
This is nonsense! (or: this is craziness)Ini tidak masuk akal!
My God! (to show amazement)Oh Tuhan!
Oh gosh! (when making a mistake)Oh tidak!
It sucks! (or: this is not good)Ini menyebalkan!
What's wrong with you?Ada apa denganmu?
Are you crazy?Apa kamu gila?
Get lost! (or: go away!)Pergi!
Leave me alone!Tinggalkan saya sendiri!
I'm not interested!Saya tidak tertarik!
Writing a Letter
Dear JohnJohn yang terkasih
My trip was very nicePerjalanan saya sangat menyenangkan
The culture and people were very interestingBudaya dan orang-orangnya sangat menarik
I had a good time with youSaya sangat menikmati waktu bersama Anda
I would love to visit your country againSaya ingin mengunjungi negara Anda lagi
Don't forget to write me back from time to timeJangan lupa tulis surat kepada saya dari waktu ke waktu
Short Expressions and words
GoodBagus / Baik
BadJelek / Buruk
So-so (or: not bad not good)Lumayan
TodayHari ini
FastCepat / Kencang
HereDi sini
ThereDi situ
Me (ie. Who did this? - Me)Saya / Aku
YouAnda / Kamu / Kau / Engkau
UsKami / Kita
Really?Masa? / Sungguh?
Where?Di mana?

Phrases and daily expressions have a very important role in Indonesian. Once you're done with the Bahasa Indonesia Phrases, you might want to check the rest of our Indonesian lessons here: Learn Indonesian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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