Macedonian Plural

If you're trying to learn Macedonian Plural you will find some useful resources including a course about Plural and Singular... to help you with your Macedonian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Macedonian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Macedonian Plural

Learning the Macedonian Plural displayed below is vital to the language. Macedonian Plurals are grammatical numbers, typically referring to more than one of the referent in the real world. In the English language, singular and plural are the only grammatical numbers.

Grammar Tips:

While in English, the plural is formed by adding (s) to the singular. In Macedonian, to form the plural of nouns and adjectives we add (-и) This is the most common way to form the plural. Here are some examples:

Пријател (a friend) becomes: пријатели (some friends)

Жена (one woman) becomes: Жени (some women)

Ова е мојата црвена кола (this is my red car) becomes: Ова се моите црвени коли (these are my red cars).

Please note that the sentence in singular is different in more than one word from the sentence in plural - this is because with sentences - some of the auxiliary verbs and adjectives undergo a change in plural (e = се -> auxiliary verb / црвена = црвени -> adjective)

Furthermore, different nouns in Macedonian receive different suffixes while making the plural form.

1. The masculine gender noun receives these suffixes: - и, -еви, -вци/-овци:

столб – столбови (column – columns)

нож – ножеви (knife – knives)

татко – татковци (father – fathers)

The suffixes -еви, -вци/-овци are less common.

2. The feminine gender noun receives the common suffix: -и

жена – жени (woman – women)

маса – маси (table – tables)

Exceptions from the rule are:

рака – раце (hand – hands)

нога – нозе (leg – legs)

3. The neuter gender noun receives the suffixes: -а, -иња

чудо – чуда (wonder - wonders)

теле – телиња (calf – calves)

Speaking of gender, in the Macedonian languages, most often the natural gender is the grammatical gender. (for ex. дрво (tree) is of the neuter gender etc.)

Here are some examples:

English PluralMacedonian Plural
PluralMnojina - Множина
my bookmoјata kniga - мојата книга
my booksmoite knigi - моите книги
our daughterna6ata ќerka - нашата ќерка
our daughtersna6ite ќerki - нашите ќерки
I'm coldLadno mi e - Ладно ми е
we're coldLadno ni e - Ладно ни е
his chickensnegovite koko6ki - неговите кокошки
their chickennivnite koko6ki - нивните кокошки

Notice the structure of the Plural in Macedonian.

List of Plurals in Macedonian

Below is a list of the Plurals and Singulars in Macedonian placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Macedonian vocabulary.

English PluralMacedonian Plural
alligatoraligator - алигатор
alligatorsaligatori - алигатори
bearme4ka - мечка
bearsme4ki - мечки
birdptica - птица
birdsptici - птици
bullbik - бик
bullsbikovi - бикови
catma4ka - мачка
catsma4ki - мачки
cowkrava - крава
cowskravi - крави
deerelen - елен
many deermnogu eleni - многу елени
dogku4e - куче
dogsku4iњa - кучиња
donkeymagare - магаре
donkeysmagariњa - магариња
eagleorel - орел
eaglesorli - орли
elephantSlon - Слон
elephantsslonovi - слонови
giraffejirafa - жирафа
giraffesjirafi - жирафи
goatkoza - коза
goatskozi - кози
horsekoњ - коњ
horseskoњi - коњи
lionLav - Лав
lionslavovi - лавови
monkeymaјmun - мајмун
monkeysmaјmuni - мајмуни
mouseglu6ec - глушец
micegluvci - глувци
rabbitzaјak - зајак
rabbitszaјaci - зајаци
snakezmiјa - змија
snakeszmii - змии
tigertigar - тигар
tigerstigri - тигри
wolfvolk - волк
wolvesvolci - волци

Plural and Singular have a very important role in Macedonian. Once you're done with Macedonian Plural, you might want to check the rest of our Macedonian lessons here: Learn Macedonian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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