Romanian Verbs

If you're trying to learn Romanian Verbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Romanian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Romanian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Romanian Verbs

Learning the Romanian Verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Romanian verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object.

Grammar Tips:

-       Present Tense

In Romanian, only one tense (Present) corresponds to four structures in English: Present Tense Simple, Present Tense Progressive, Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Progressive.

There are five main categories of verbs in terms of the verbs ending at the infinitive mood. Verb endings:  -a, -ea, -e, -i, -î. The stem endings at present simple are different for each verb category. For example:

-a: A aștepta (to wait)

Eu aștept, tu aștepți, el/ea așteaptă, noi așteptăm, voi așteptați, ei/ele așteaptă

-ea: A vedea (to see)

Eu văd, tu vezi, el/ea vede, noi vedem, voi vedeți, ei/ele văd

-e: A face (to wait)

Eu fac, tu faci, el/ea face, noi facem, voi faceți, ei/ele fac

-i: A gândi (to think)

Eu gândesc, tu gândești, el/ea gândește, noi gândim, voi gândiți, ei/ele gândesc

-î: A hotărî (to decide)

Eu hotărăsc, tu hotărăști, el/ea hotărăște, noi hotărâm, voi hotărâți, ei/ele hotărăsc

-       Past Tense

In Romanian as well as in English the simple past tense (imperfect) is used to describe past events. The structure contains an auxiliary corresponding to each person and the participle of the notional verb. The auxiliary forms are: eu am, tu ai, el/ea a, noi am, voi ați, ei/ele au. Example:

eu am plecat, tu ai plecat, el/ea a plecat, noi am plecat, voi ați plecat, ei/ele au plecat (I left, you left, etc.)

-       Future Tense

To form the future in Romanian it’s very easy. It is made up of an auxiliary corresponding to each person and the infinitive form of the notional verb: eu voi, tu vei, el/ea va, noi vom, voi veți, ei/ele vor. Example:

eu voi merge, tu vei merge, el/ea va merge, noi vom merge , voi veți merge, ei/ele vor merge

Here are some examples:

English VerbsRomanian Verbs
I spokeeu am vorbit
I wroteeu am scris
I droveeu am condus
I lovedmie mi-a plăcut
I gaveeu am dat
I smiledeu am zâmbit
I tookeu am luat
he spokeel a vorbit
he wroteel a scris
he droveel a condus
he lovedlui i-a plăcut
he gaveel a dat
he smiledel a zâmbit
he tookel a luat
we spokeam vorbit
we wrotenoi am scris
we drovenoi am condus
we lovednou ne-a plăcut
we gavenoi am dat
we smilednoi am zâmbit
we tooknoi am luat
I will speakeu voi vorbi
I will writeeu voi scrie
I will driveeu voi conduce
I will lovemie îmi va plăcea
I will giveeu voi da
I will smileeu voi zâmbi
I will takeeu voi lua
he will speakel va vorbi
he will writeel va scrie
he will driveel va conduce
he will lovelui îi va plăcea
he will giveel va da
he will smileel va zâmbi
he will takeel va lua
we will speaknoi vom vorbi
we will writenoi vom scrie
we will drivenoi vom conduce
we will lovenouă ne va plăcea
we will givenoi vom da
we will smilenoi vom zâmbi
we will takenoi vom lua
I speakeu vorbesc
I writeEu scriu
I driveeu conduc
I lovemie îmi place
I giveeu dau
I smileeu zâmbesc
I takeeu iau
he speaksel vorbeşte
he writesel scrie
he drivesel conduce
he loveslui îi place
he givesel dă
he smilesel zâmbeşte
he takesel ia
we speaknoi vorbim
we writenoi scriem
we drivenoi conducem
we lovenouă ne place
we givenoi dăm
we smilenoi zâmbim
we takenoi luăm

Notice the structure of the Verbs in Romanian.

List of Verbs in Romanian

Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Romanian placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Romanian vocabulary.

English VerbsRomanian Verbs
I can accept thatEu poate accepta ca
she added itea a adaugat
we admit itnoi recunoaştem
they advised himl-au sfătuit
I can agree with thatAş fi de acord cu acest
she allows itea permite
we announce itnoi anunţăm că
I can apologizePot să-mi cer scuze
she appears todayea apare astăzi
they arranged thatei au aranjat ca
I can arrive tomorrowPot ajunge mâine
she can ask himea poate să îl întrebe
she attaches thatea adaugă că
we attack themnoi îi atacăm
they avoid herei o evită
I can bake iteu pot coace
she is like himea este ca el
we beat itil bate
they became happyei au devenit fericiţi
I can begin thatPot să încep că
we borrowed moneyam imprumutat bani
they breathe airei respira aer
I can bring itPot sa aduc
I can build thateu aş putea construi
she buys foodea cumpără alimente
we calculate itnoi le-am calculat
they carry itei le purtau
they don't cheataceştia nu trişează
she chooses himea îl alege
we close itnoi închidem
he comes hereel vine aici
I can compare thatPot compara că
she competes with meea intră în competiţie cu mine
we complain about itne plângem despre
they continued readingei au continuat să citească
he cried about thatel a plâns pentru
I can decide nowPot decide acum
she described it to meea mi-a descris
we disagree about itnu suntem de acord cu
they disappeared quicklyau dispărut repede
I discovered thatAm descoperit că,
she dislikes thatei îi displace faptul că
we do ito facem
they dream about itei visează despre
I earnedAm câştigat
he eats a lotel mănâncă mult
we enjoyed thatne-a plăcut
they entered hereau intrat aici
he escaped thati-a scăpat faptul că
I can explain thatPot să explic că
she feels that tooea simte acelaşi lucru
we fled from theream fugit de acolo
they will fly tomorrowei vor zbura mâine
I can follow youeu pot să te urmez
she forgot meea m-a uitat
we forgive himnoi îl iertăm
I can give her thatîi pot da acel lucru
she goes thereea merge acolo
we greeted themi-am salutat
I hate thaturăsc acest lucru
I can hear iteu pot auzi
she imagine thatea îşi imaginează că
we invited themi-am invitat
I know himEu îl cunosc
she learned itea a aflat că
we leave nowplecăm acum
they lied about himau mintit despre el
I can listen to thateu pot asculta acest lucru
she lost thatea a pierdut
we made it yesterdayam facut-o ieri
they met himei l-au cunoscut
I misspell thatam greşit pronunţia
I always prayeu întotdeauna mă rog
she prefers thatea preferă că
we protected themnoi i-am protejat
they will punish herei o vor pedepsi
I can put it therepot să pun acolo
she will read itea va citi
we received thatam primit ca
they refuse to talkei refuză să vorbească
I remember thatÎmi amintesc că
she repeats thatea repetă că
we see itvom vedea
they sell itei vând
I sent that yesterdayI-am trimis ieri că
he shaved his beardel şi-a ras barba
it shrunk quicklys-a micşorat repede
we will sing itnoi vom cânta
they sat thereau stat acolo
I can speak itPot sa vorbesc
she spends moneyea cheltuie banii
we suffered from thatam suferit din această
they suggest thatei sugerează că
I surprised himI-am făcut o surpriză
she took thatEa a luat acest lucru
we teach itNoi învăţăm despre
they told usEi ne-au spus
she thanked himEa i-a mulţumit
I can think about itPot să mă gândesc despre
she threw itea a aruncat
we understand thatam înţeles că
they want thatdoresc ca
I can wear itPot purta
she writes thatea scrie că
we talk about itvorbim despre asta
they have itcare acestea îl au
I watched itL-am privit
I will talk about itVoi vorbi despre asta
he bought that yesterdayel a cumpărat acest lucru ieri
we finished itam terminat

Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Romanian. Once you're done with Romanian Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Romanian lessons here: Learn Romanian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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